Konkle Law Firm, PLLC proudly serves the Florida community. We are primarily a Florida Personal Injury Law Firm. Attorney Keith Konkle is an Accident Attorney who helps those who have been injured in accidents but also helps clients in other types of matters. Those who get to know Keith Konkle become aware he is a fighter and never gives up. He fights to win! Keith is a Christian, family man, has two grown children, and fights for the underdog. Big insurance will not like him! He will not settle for their, in many cases, unfair, lowball offers that are designed to make insurance companies rich and the victims poor and still suffering. He will fight to get you the maximum compensation! We can also represent you with Traffic Tickets, Offenses, and Violations. Keith is a staunch defender of the U.S. Constitution. He will go over the details and do everything he can to see that you are treated fairly and your rights are defended. Keith hates abuse of any kind. Put a fighter on YOUR side!